Shops We Love: Souvenir

pieces new as well as discovered fill Souvenir’s sunny retail as well as event space. “Having a souvenir is so special; it reminds you of a specific time or person,” states Danielle Suppa. She as well as fellow style institution grad Trisha Lepper opened Souvenir after holding a series of successful pop-up shops together. most products are made by Canadian artists as well as designers, each one a research study in refined, contemporary design. adding vintage treasures discovered abroad keeps the store perpetually fresh.

“Everything is accessible as well as simple to put in your home,” Trisha says. “Nothing is as well precious.” Ceramics by Montreal’s Yyy as well as Toronto’s Akai Ceramic studio are hallmarks of the store, while maple stools as well as tables from Coolican & business as well as modernist illumination from Mercury Bureau are recent offerings. Eventually, the duo plan to establish an in-house line. style workshops as well as more pop-ups featuring emerging designers are likewise on the horizon. “You never understand what you’re going to get here. It’s a constant rotation of special products,” states Danielle. Your best option is to see often.

Located on 1232 college St., Toronto

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