Weird smart home gadget of the Week : rock Cam

We’ve seen some remarkable stuff in our time covering the smart home but this is certainly one of the stranger items.  The ‘KJB safety and security SC7000 XtremeLife synthetic rock Camera/Recorder with motion Sensor’ (to give it its full title) is, as it sounds, a covert recording video camera built into a customized housing developed to look lke a decorative rock in your garden.

The video camera can record up to 1280×960 and supports buddy and NTSC.  With an remarkable standby battery life quoted of up to a year the unit records to an SD card and can also be connected to a PC through USB.

“The SC7000 provides the benefit of a battery-powered video camera without the common short battery-life constraints! The new XtremeLife video camera features the longest-life battery on the market, allowing for up to ONE YEAR of operation on a single battery charge. This possible because the processor operates in “sleep mode” until motion is detected, when the video camera flips on and begins recording.

The Xtremelife rock can be placed anywhere outside with no worries about running wires or short battery life. just set it and let it record! video camera will record whenever motion is detected.

Ultra-long battery life – processor only operates when sensor is tripped

Weather resistant – can be placed practically anywhere outside

Connects easily to your computer with a USB port”

The rock Cam is available now for around $650

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