We’ve been complying with the OpenRemote job for a few years now. Here’s a new video from the team showing the improved UI for their manager v2.0 (Building operating System [...]
new from Simplehomenet, the EZX10RF all-house transceiver will get signals from X10 RF transmitters as well as either rebroadcasts the X10 codes or, uniquely, convert them into INSTEON messages over [...]
heads up: this post might be a bit of a smorgasbord. I think it’s because life has been feeling kinda smorgasbordy lately (in a good way) and sometimes it’s hard [...]
British interior designer Ilse Crawford’s private sanctuary just hit the market for $1.6 million. situated in the heart of London’s lively Borough neighborhood, the flat, created in collaboration with Vincent Van [...]
We like checking out our IP CCTV cameras on our iPhone, however some designs don’t play so great on the Apple device. Our present much-loved is the Y-Cam as it’s [...]
Q. I have no concept which window coverings are appropriate for bay windows. I want to have something that will be quite from the outside in addition to from the [...]
We reported back in July that RFXCOM were working on a new Ethernet device. This morning we can report it has been released, along with a new “Pulse” module which [...]
If you’re Ellen Degeneres, purchasing and selling multi-million dollar mansions is just what you do on a Tuesday. but even in Ellen’s rarefied housing history, some deals stand apart — [...]
As the market to bring digitial video data to your TV hots up, here’s one more gadget to join the fray. The wifi equiped Archos TV+ is likewise a PVR [...]